Tuesday, January 23, 2018

And this is what we call a special kind of Stupid...

From Deadspin, which has been covering the hell out of the Larry Nassar case and continues to turn over many large turds of muck concerning the issue:

In an interview on local radio show Staudt on Sports, Michigan State board of trustees member Joel Ferguson reinforced the university board’s stance that the majority of board members still support university president Lou Anna Simon, saying, “there’s so many more things going on at the university than just this Nassar thing.”

After brushing off the largest sexual assault scandal in American sports history, Ferguson maintained the stunning pace of arrogance by claiming that not only should Simon keep her job, but that nobody on the school’s senior leadership should be held accountable for the roles they played in abetting Larry Nassar’s years of sexual abuse. Calling Nassar a “pervert,” Ferguson posited the former Michigan State employee was “on an island by himself”—a statement that is categorically false, as Nassar was subject to annual reviews by superiors as both a team doctor within the Michigan State athletic department and as an associate professor who taught students within the university’s Division of Sports Medicine and College of Osteopathic Medicine. These same superiors were the ones made aware of numerous complaints against Nassar dating back as far as 1997 and who, at one point, allowed him to continue seeing patients one-on-one in the midst of an internal investigation.

Well, that was lovely, wasn't it?

It's all okay as long as it's in the name of college sports and raising money for the mighty university, right? I can't wait until one of these privileged mopes (and that's precisely what Ferguson is, CEO credentials and all) ends up having to defend a dean or a university president for not acting against a coach or a player who's either a serial killer or an outright child murderer.

I'm sure that'll come off as being a beautiful moment for all of us as well.

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