Thursday, January 17, 2019

The kind of Fearless Leader we're stuck with

Lose your majority in a house of Congress lately? Most Presidents would at least give lip service to the idea of possibly talking compromise on certain issues. Not President Toddler, though, since partial Federal shutdowns are apparently the price everyone gets to collectively pay these days for paranoia-induced vanity projects not getting built.

Then again, for Trump this is probably a great distraction from certain other issues - not the least of which includes some very private conversations with a very special friend of his where even his own interpreter was personally warned to keep his yap shut in front of other members of the administration. As morbid as my imagination can get, I can hardly imagine what the subject matter of that series of conversations amounted to. And considering some recent revelations about the FBI's thinking on Trump in 2016 and 2017, I hardly want to.

The alien abduction failed!

So I decided not to use a more pedestrian explanation of why I haven't posted for over a month. So sue me.

I have been busy as of late, though, especially with the anime programming for this particular convention, so please attend it in mid-February if you can.

Newspaper of (W)rec(k)ord

 If you're a member of a conrunning organization, you know you're in serious trouble when the  Guardian  -  an internationally known...