Monday, August 14, 2017

Now reading

Sign of the Unicorn by Roger Zelazny.


If you thought that this was the sort of America I'd hope to end up being a citizen of as a grown adult, you're out of your fucking mind.

A major problem with all of this, it seems, is our very own Mango-in-Chief, who not only took his time in equivocally "condemning" the violence there but certainly saw fit to take an utterly graceless swipe at the CEO of Merck for daring to leave one of his pet projects because it seems to be sponsored by someone who made a ton of political capital from the same "hatred, bigotry and group supremacy" Kenneth C. Frazier mentioned in his tweet.

Then again, this is something I've expected to happen ever since the Mango got elected. No one should've been surprised at all that this was going to happen. If you are, you've either been living in a cave since late 2015 or are incredibly naïve.

Regardless of that, I suspect there are dark days ahead for everyone in this country if this sort of bullshit is allowed to continue; the only problem is that we seem to have a "President" who seems utterly incapable - or just plain unwilling - to put a stop to it.

Newspaper of (W)rec(k)ord

 If you're a member of a conrunning organization, you know you're in serious trouble when the  Guardian  -  an internationally known...