Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Tragedy and stupidity, continued

Not to be outdone by Bill Donohue (see above), it turns out there are a whole bunch of other people  who are doing their damnedest to come off as, well, unbelievably dumb. Or insane. Or perhaps both.

Unsurprisingly, some of them have surnames such as Limbaugh, Ingraham or Bolling.

I suppose this is another lesson concerning the following truism concerning wingnut pundits and conspiracy hacks in general: cream may indeed rise to the top. Unfortunately, so does shit in a defective toilet.

Tragedy and stupidity, all at once

In the wake of  the mass murders at Charlie Hebdo, never let it be said that you can't find an American wingnut who remains completely incapable of separating his grimy fantasies from reality.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Bill Donohue.

Now take him away and put him somewhere far from civilized people.


Newspaper of (W)rec(k)ord

 If you're a member of a conrunning organization, you know you're in serious trouble when the  Guardian  -  an internationally known...