Monday, October 8, 2012

Stepping in a pile of Broun

There is, of course, the slim possibility that Paul Broun's publically uttered pile of Stupid from a few days ago was actually caused by a brain fart of incredible proportions and is not actually what he believes. Fine. I also hold that there's the equally slim possibility that I was secretly made the King of Sweden overnight (my apologies to King Carl XVI Gustav for unseating him if I'm wrong), but somehow I doubt it.

Paul Broun, as far as I know, is running unopposed in a district where most voters actually think that his particular brand of serial idiocy is perfectly acceptable to all involved. What's especially nauseating is that the district actually includes the University of Georgia (and boy, that fact must fill their seven biological sciences subdivisions with oodles of pride, right?), and despite the fact that some people in that district probably don't want him around anymore he's still running unopposed. Apparently, nobody could even find a rock brave enough to take him on despite the rock's obvious intellectual superiority. Which leads me to the following:

A while back, Dan Savage took issue with the equally vapid Rick Santorum on a certain issue and ended up sticking him with the (completely deserved, in my opinion) stigma of having a surname synonymous with certain, shall we say, unpleasant byproducts of a sexual act. I'm not trying to top Savage on this, mind you, but I believe that the following proposition concerning the meaning of the surname "Broun" should be added to the next slew of dictionaries to be published because it just fits so well. To wit:

"Broun (1) (n); An individual whose position of authority and public trust are entirely contradicted by his or her intellectual inadequacy and by concomitant appeals to ignorance and demagoguery in order to shore up their aforementioned position;

(2) (v) To engage in demagoguery and similar unsavory appeals to anti-intellectual behavior in order to gain and/or maintain public favor".

By the way, I intend to take full credit for getting the ball rolling on this if it succeeds. And maybe somebody will find a rock (or - shock of shocks! - an actual human being) brave enough to take him on by 2014.

(Also on WTTFTG)

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